Wednesday, 23 April 2008

E-Delo vs. vs. RTV Slovenija

Reading the newspaper: Brookgreen Gardens in Pawleys Island, South Carolina, United States.Image via Wikipedia
On Tuesday we talked about newspapers, newspaper headlines and news on TV. We also read a text on improving TV news so that these would be more interesting for young viewers (that would be you). In our discussion we also touched upon the differences between the news on national TV and on POP TV. If you remember I also mentioned that I read news on-line. And here comes your task:
- follow these links to E-Delo, which is the web page of the popular Slovene newspaper, and RTV Slovenija
- do not look at only the home page!
- decide which you like best and explain why
Things you can mention: the menus, the way the page looks, the type of news, the quality of the articles...

I expect at least three sentences (and I don't think that's asking a lot....:))

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Obama vs. Clinton

Today "some" of you had no idea who Barack Obama is. Well, I think that is simply not acceptable. He has been an important part of daily news for the past year or so. Why? Because he is one of the two remaining candidates (the other being Hillary Clinton) of the democratic party for the upcoming US elections in November. The winner is going to run against the republican candidate John McCain. So...? Why is this important? Let me tell you why. Because the USA is the world's most powerful country that influences the lives of all of us, whether we like it or not, and this fact makes the president of the USA one of the most important people in the world.

This year the elections are somewhat special. Following the links that I provided and reading something about both democratic candidates, you are going to tell me why! The reasons are quite obvious (just look at their pictures) ...

BE CAREFUL! We are not discussing politics here, we are discussing news! Why are they "news"?

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Music and films

Have you ever thought what films would be like without music, just dialogue and sounds produced by objects or living beings? Well, I want you to think about that for a moment. What is the purpose, the role of music in films? What is its function? What does it do? To give you a hint, here are some examples of famous film scores (follow the link for a definition). What genre do they appear in and is that important? I'm looking forward to your comments!