Thursday, 14 February 2008

Valentine's Day

Ah, Valentine's Day! I couldn't resist writing a post about this very special celebration (you know me...). This time I don't want you to look up any information about it . Oh no! I want you to comment on the following proverbs about love:

"Love is blind"

"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

"All's fair in love and war"

Do you agree or disagree? If you don't want to commnet on them that's fine! Instead, add other proverbs that you find on the internet, tell us about your favourite love songs, romantic comedies, famous love stories you've heard about, or, if you want to, leave a message for someone you like or even love (no names, please!).
In short, our today's topic is love!


Urban said...

Hmm... don't know what to say about it *.* .I don't have a letter for anyone.No letters this year girls.

Lumberjack said...

Good one Urban!

gregec said...

i don't know why valentine's day is so important. in my opinion 14th of february is only a date when is time to show your love to your partner. but in 20 years the americans(like always)made this holiday so commercialized that 14th of january is starting to lose its meaning. it should be all in simle notes taht would make yor partner happy. but in nowadays the happiest people on valentine's day are sellers because all of the roses and chocholate they sell. in
some of the questionnaires women said that they would like something special for valentine's day. not a standarized rose and some sweets. so boys and men lets make this valentine's day special for our love ones. bye <3

Urban said...

Well i don't have a girl to give too.
So i won't have problem with that this year.

Urban said...

(no names, please!). Hmm why this?

Urban said...

What did the boy elephant say to the girl elephant on Valentine's Day?
I love you a ton!

Joke has to be :)

gregec said...

i meant 14th of february (not january) ;)

Urban said...

didn't even see

Lumberjack said...

Great thinking Gregec! Couldn't agree more. What do you suggest?

Urban, thanks for the joke. You can always post them, provided they're any good.

"No name" - you don't have to share the girl's name with us (unless you want to...) Make her guess!

Anonymous said...

happy valentine s day everyone

Anonymous said...

love is somethink special!when are you in love you forget everythink!love is only for two persone!love istn´t when 2 persone look each other but they look in the same way!LOVE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL THINK!!;)

BY THE WAY: happy valentin´s day!!

Urban said...

Girls are so sentimental.

mihač said...

love is in the air!! people love eachother!!

Anonymous said...

i love valentine's day i can give to someone a gift like chocolate

Urban said...

Everyone else shy to step forward?

Anonymous said...

What actually doyou men whit this:
Everyone else shy to step forward?

Urban said...

Just to irritate people a little.

Lumberjack said...

Keep on irritating people Urban!

So, I'm still curious if there are any romantic comedies fans out there. My personal favourite is "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. Yours?

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. "Valentine`s Day"
If you are in love(really love) is this just one normal day but it´s cool you get a presents :D-joke!
~I wish you happy last hours of Valentine, you have still time to tell someone mystery of this day:)


Urban said...

¨Notting Hill¨ is a nice movie as much as i know didn't watch it.

Anonymous said...

Valentin´s day...I don´ t know. It´s day as each other- show your love person who love or fancy very much(this can do whichever second day). That´s nice, but what if you find in your pocket leaflet with inscription -broken heart- and you don´t have idea why??

LOVE can´t buy, also can´t sell, love is that who came from heart.
You are: spark in my eyes, warmth my smile, my beautiful mind, heartbeat my heart and love of my life! No name.

Urban said...

Don't know what to say about first part.

Nice ryhtm.

Good Night to everyone.

gregec said...

If you want to live happy, you have to be happily in loved.
Why? Because love is one of the most important things in universe. Bye:)

mihač said...

yes gregec i agree whit you. love is wery important. by by

Lumberjack said...

Nice comments Patricija and Klavdija!
Miha and Gregec can you tell us why love is so important in your opinion.

By the way, how was your day? Did secondary school frighten you?

gregec said...

It didn't frightened me!GCC RULES!
I can't explaine why is love important. I just know that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gregec GCC ruls!!:P;)

Anonymous said...

i love those girls hwo loves me

Anonymous said...


Lumberjack said...

GCC rules? So I guess some of you are going there in the autumn. Ah, memories... But it's a difficult decision, choosing your next school, isn't it?

Hello, Denis!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is !!!!!
For me is this decision verry big and I have problems because I am undecided. :(

Anonymous said...

JA it is!but we must decided and we wll see fi is write decided and I think it is!

Anonymous said...

valenstin day is over,if you forgot to give your girl a present,
you mist a great chance!^_^

Matej said...

I agree with Denis!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

i agree with denis to becasue i am mist this big chance