Saturday, 5 April 2008

Music and films

Have you ever thought what films would be like without music, just dialogue and sounds produced by objects or living beings? Well, I want you to think about that for a moment. What is the purpose, the role of music in films? What is its function? What does it do? To give you a hint, here are some examples of famous film scores (follow the link for a definition). What genre do they appear in and is that important? I'm looking forward to your comments!


Anonymous said...

....i love musical fims because it is almost everything about music and music makes film more special, scary or lovely....

Anonymous said...

Music is very important.
For example:
I like it in crimes and actions, because it makes film more tense, scary-so you get this feeling with help music and film is more interesting. I don´t know exactly explain, but I tried. :D

Lumberjack said...

Thank you both for your comments!

Patricija don't worry, you've expressed yourself just fine!

TANJA said...

I like musicals too.
As Pa3cija i thing music is very important. Film whitout music is boring. It is difficult to choose music for film.

Anonymous said...

Music in film must be because make film more scary, ineresting, lovly and soone.When is music we all waite what will be happen and we are intolerant, nervous!Good music makes film much better!!

Unknown said...

I agree with all that it´s wite here. films without music is boring. but to much music in film isn´t good to.

Anonymous said...

I like films with scary music because i makes you more entance and with boring music to but not so much.

Matej said...

I like music in films.I agree with BoĊĦtjan,to much music in film isn`t good,but I don`t know a lot about films because I dont wacth films a lot.

gregec said...

The movie isn't good, without a good film music. Many films are even more known beacuse of its music.
Altough if the music doesn't fit to the film, it can more or less destroy the film.

James Bond for example. The start is great because the music fits to a spy film.(my opinion)

Unknown said...

Music true make films more interesting.Only with the help of music,we can get an special fealing,wats going on,fear,action,romantic
So music in the films is very importand.

Urban said...

I agree with Grega about James Bond.It cound't be better.And a lot of musics that are made for the film are more knows in world then the film itself.

Lumberjack said...

I see you all realize how important music in a film can be! Of course not all movie scores are as good as the ones in the post. In my opinion, if I can't remember the music, let's say an hour after having watched the movie, then it wasn't really any good.

Anonymous said...

I`m sure films without music don`t be so interesting as are!
Music in film create atmosphere, in film enter feeling… For example when man and woman (in love story) kissing is always romantic song and that is culmination the film. I like this!

Amm... I`m sory because homework do little late.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all comments, that music make films very special, because it makes (like taja wrote) movie more special...!