Saturday, 8 March 2008


There is some talking that it will be canceled or moved from Beograd Serbia cause of crisis there and cause many countries are not welcome there.But let's leave that for later.Just talk about it and have fun. :)


Anonymous said...

Rebeka`s song-Vrag naj vzame is not good but it`s bad.
And also Molitva not bad.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anja, but I don't like Molitva very much.

Urban said...

Heh if you ask me they both aren't bad or god.But that is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I thing the all song were god.But the best song always wins.

Anonymous said...

LOL it does every single time xD.

Lumberjack said...

What is this? Someone has taken over my job? Just joking!:) Good job Urban! I knew you could do it!

As for Eurovision, it's been a long time since I watched it. I don't like this type of music and I don't agree with the way they determine who wins. It's not always the best song... Although, it's all relative when it comes to personal taste.

Urban said...

I think that the voting ain't fair at least.It should be made by like 60 judges which are independent(they can't vote for their own country)and they judge by their own will.I am not watching it.I just now something about the judging.And even diplomacy between countries can make some changes in voting.It is really not fair for some countries.And in most cases it ain't fair for all.

Anonymous said...

This two songs are not good for me because.. I don`t know what to say simply I don´t like it!

Urban said...

I don't like them either.They just aren't very nice to hear.

Anonymous said...

Molitva it's good song
and Rebeka so so song

Urban said...

"Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 55% of plepoe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!"

Try to read this.It is an Off Topic but you will have a lot of fun.It is not hard you just need to find the formula for reading.Have nice time.

Anonymous said...

This is good!I can read it!But with 2 or 3 words I have problem because I don´t know it!

Urban said...

Ehehe Vocabulary is your problem.

Unknown said...

when you wiil win in the ema and going in eurosong then you can give bad coment`s bad coment`s but for now you can give just good:D my opinion


Unknown said...

- bad coment`s*

Urban said...

They aren't bad.And if they don't like it they can say that.It is their opinion and it can be whatever they want it to be.

Anonymous said...

I actuly don't like the song from Rebeka.It's nothing special,and wird.I don't like wird songs.

Unknown said...

joke ok urban :D

Anonymous said...

I don´t agree the songs aren´t good. When won Marija Serifovic I was surprise, but for more or less European (and for me) was Molitva the best song eurovision 2007.
Vrag naj vzame is just one song who is popular now and I think isn´t for eurovision. Else song Za svobodo divjega srca was my favourite, but it didn´t win because we can´t permit that Slovenia impersonate gipsy, though is song better. Whatever...
I wish Rebeka luck in Beograd.

Anonymous said...

everyone has his own opinion.!;)

Lumberjack said...

Good and interesting points! And you are all right, because, as anja said, everyone can have his or her own opinion.

Hello to Sandi and welcome to our blog!

Urban you've started a great post!

Klavdija, you should speak up in class more often! You have very mature opinions and I would really like to hear more from you! Great work!

gregec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gregec said...

I haven't watched eurovision since SESTRE were on it. I don't knnow what is the big deal about evrovision.
Why does it exist. No one watches evrovision because of the songs anymore. Just ten years ago evrovision vas an event that represented good songs and better singers, but on evrovision two years ago freaks won. And on the last years evrovision ukraine transvestites almost won. People don't understad
good songs anymore. They just like
competators on eurovision that are different. I don't mind if they are different, I don't like that they have bad songs.
One example:

This song almost won in 2007!!

Urban said...

Bine i know you watched 2 years ago on Jure's birthday :).When the Lords won.

HF and Ql

TANJA said...

I agree with Gregec and Klavdija!

On this days everyone can sing. If you have a litlle musical ear and if you LOOK good, you can be famous! Of course you have to have money(on most of case)and luck.

Urban said...

Money isn't so important if you have friends which can help you.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you...

great comment gregec :D

Urban said...

Few of us have same opinions but some not.

HF and QL ^^

Lumberjack said...

Ok, Urban, I think I need a dictionary for your HFs and QLs!
Bring it to class next time.

Unknown said...

i agree with urban money it`s not all

Unknown said...

if you have family and friend`s who love you you have all

Urban said...

Well we have English tomorow.And don't woory i won't forget it becuse my head is dictionary xD ^^

Unknown said...

Good joke Urban.

Urban said...

Well i forgot to tell you that HF means Have Fun and Ql Good Luck.

Unknown said...

Q mean good urban??

Urban said...

Yes.Loads of my friends write ql and not gl.Dunno why.

Unknown said...

what ever!

Urban said...

Heh I won :)

Unknown said...

no zou didn`t i`m live you 1st place becasue you are girl:D:D joke yes you won (bravo):D

Urban said...

Now that first sentence wasn't nice.