Yesterday, we talked about the music industry. We mentioned the artists, the managers and the big record companies. We, more or less deliberately, left out another important part of this business: the media! TV, radio, print media, internet and their "serious" journalists, photographers and paparazzi, form the public opinion with their articles, interviews and photo stories. They bring the lives of the stars into our homes!
This time I want you to become journalists! Think of the questions you would like to ask a big music star or a popular band. Use your imagination! Think about the things you would really like to know!
Write at least two question. To avoid repetition read other questions before you post your own ones! Have fun!
This time I want you to become journalists! Think of the questions you would like to ask a big music star or a popular band. Use your imagination! Think about the things you would really like to know!
Write at least two question. To avoid repetition read other questions before you post your own ones! Have fun!

Cool exercise!
I like asking why stars begin drink alcohol and take drugs? And also why are they often divorce?
1.How did he succeded to become so popular?
2.Is it hard to be a star or an idol to so many people?
3.Do you like all this attention?
4.Does it bother you that you stolen of your personal space?
5.Would you like to become a normal man/-woman again?
6.Where do you get inspiration for your songs?
7.Is it hard to perform Live Concert?
8.Why is path of Fame and Glory always the path to drugs?
9.Do you like to help organizations like UNICEF?
I hope it is enough.
hf&ql Urban
blood brothers? ;) cool exercise:D i agree with pat3sha
1)Wats god and wats bad on beeing famest?
2)Do you like it?
3)Do you wish to have more privacy?
why are they smok what a chimney? why they drink what a pump? ;)
Sandi, I think your interview would soon be over...
1.Who is your idol?
2.How much hours at day you sleep when you don't have a concert?
3.Are you happy to be so famous?
4.What you'll do if you're not to be a popular?
5.Are you have enough of free time?
I hope that everything is correct write!*
when and how did you become famous, wich event was meritorious of that?
what was your childhood?
~°Have intention to visit Slovenia?
~°When occurred your first love?
~°Difference now when you are famous and before you still weren't famous?
Some really interesting questions, boys and girls! Can you think what the answers might be? We've already talked about some of the things...
First why do you wnt to be popular?
Second Were you nurves about your 1st concert?
Third Why do you have so many Houses and clothes....?
Fourth I like to be in the midll of attention?
my mistake
4th whay you like to be in the midll of attention?
1.What's your favourite food?
2.What's your favourite movie?(you can't be in it)
3.What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
4.Did you like school?
5.What's your favourite type of music?
6.When did you have your first girlfriend/boyfriend.
7.What's your goal in your life?
That will be all of this short interview.
Thank you very much!
1. Are you really happy with so much money?
2. What is reason for your glory?
3. Are you happy in your life?
4. Are drogs and alcohol sole exit gives to avoid the problems?
5. Why are you like to be a star for money or for funny?
6. And for the end can you tell us witch movie/videospot it was most heavily to film?
Ok, my turn.
1) What do you think about before you close your eyes at night?
2) Are you happy?
3) Do you miss your pre-glory days?
4) What do you think of your fans?
5) Are you lonely?
6) Where do you see yourself in ten years?
7) What is it like to be on stage in front of thousands of people?
8) Are you afraid of being old and forgotten?
Thanks to all who contributed their questions! Some are really original, and I think there are some promising young journalists among you!
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